Evgeny Raguzin

Principal, Retail and Consumer Goods, Oliver Wyman

A Principal in the Retail and Consumer Goods practice, Evgeny brings more than 15 years of experience working for leading consumer goods and consulting companies. Evgeny’s work has spanned various retail segments and consumer goods companies in Europe, Russia, and China, where he’s helped clients develop and launch brand strategies, customer propositions, new technologies, and integrated sales management solutions. 

The key to success is to balance consumer needs and business. A business may be profitable only when end consumers are satisfied.

Known for his ability to promptly understand the situation, diagnose key issues, and provide breakthrough recommendations, Evgeny brings a combination of knowledge, entrepreneurial spirit, and deep understanding of consumers that his colleagues believe is key for successful project completion.

Always striving for deeper data analysis and better application of its results, Evgeny plays a key role in the creation of an annual large-scale survey on consumer preferences, price and value perception, which has become increasingly sought-after in recent years. It is one of several research papers and publications in business and industry media that Evgeny has contributed to. 

Evgeny holds an MBA degree from MIT Skolkovo Business School and a bachelor's degree in economics from the State University of Management. He is fluent in English and Russian.